Bello Gallico 2018: A true Christmas story

Door |2018-12-21T19:33:53+00:00december 21st, 2018|Categorieën: Avontuur, Race, Verhaal|Tags: , , |

All pictures by Maarten Schön aka the trail tourist How far have we gone? Asks the voice in the back of my mind again as I’m walking down a snow-covered street from the small town of Neerijse to Sint-Agatha-Rode. We must be close to the first aid station surely? I am in a footrace of fifty miles, the Bello Gallico. It’s long past midnight, the moment the race started and that was half an hour after I finished the 100 mile race as part of the Bello Gallico event. The 100 miles took me nineteen and a half hours to finish and [...]